
India Climate Startups Insights

Startup Insights

Almost 70 billion units and almost 5% of total - India’s solar power generation in 2021

Source : Mercom India

Notes by Narsi

The report says India generated about 70 billion units of solar in 2021, an 18% increase over the previous year. In all, India generated about 1600 billion units of electricity in 2021.

That would mean that about 4.5% of all power generated in 2021 was solar. 

If you thought 4.5% was small, consider these:

  • In 2010, solar power contribution was practically zero
  • In 2021, nuclear power produced about 45 billion units, about 3% - India started nuclear power generation way back in 1969!
  • Wind power, which started growing in the mid-1980s, generated only about the same as solar power in 2021 - about 70 billion units.

See all Insights from: Renewable Energy


  • Policy-making
  • Renewable energy sciences