Offshore CO2 Storage

Detailed overview of innovation with sample startups and prominent university research

What it is

Offshore CO2 storage involves capturing carbon dioxide emissions from various sources, transporting them to offshore locations, and injecting them into deep geological formations beneath the seabed for permanent storage. This approach utilizes depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saline aquifers, and other suitable geological structures found offshore to store CO2 securely and prevent its release into the atmosphere.

Impact on climate action

Offshore CO2 Storage presents a pivotal solution in mitigating climate change by securely sequestering carbon emissions beneath the ocean floor. By safely containing CO2, it prevents its release into the atmosphere, effectively reducing greenhouse gas levels and advancing global efforts towards a more sustainable future and climate action.


The success of offshore CO2 storage relies on a complex interplay of technologies and scientific concepts:

  • Geological Characterization: Comprehensive geophysical surveys, including seismic imaging and seabed mapping, are crucial for identifying suitable storage sites and assessing their capacity, permeability, and geological integrity.
  • Reservoir Modeling and Simulation: Advanced computer models are used to simulate the injection process, predict the long-term behavior of CO2 within the storage formation, and assess potential risks associated with leakage or induced seismicity.
  • Well Engineering and Injection Technologies: Specialized well designs and injection technologies are crucial for safely and efficiently injecting CO2 into deep sub-seabed formations, ensuring the integrity of the wellbore and optimizing CO2 distribution within the reservoir.
  • Monitoring and Verification: Continuous monitoring systems, including seabed sensors and geochemical tracers, are used to track the movement of CO2 within the storage formation, verify its containment, and detect any potential leaks.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment: Thorough environmental impact assessments are conducted to evaluate the potential ecological effects of offshore CO2 storage on marine ecosystems, ensuring responsible and sustainable practices.

TRL : Varies (5-8) depending on specific technology and project maturity.

Prominent Innovation themes

  • Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs): AUVs are being deployed to conduct high-resolution seabed surveys, collect environmental data, and monitor CO2 storage sites more efficiently and cost-effectively.
  • Advanced Seismic Monitoring Techniques: Innovative seismic monitoring techniques, such as 4D seismic imaging, are providing detailed images of the CO2 plume over time, enabling better understanding of CO2 behavior within the storage formation.
  • Fiber-Optic Sensing: Fiber-optic cables installed in monitoring wells are being used to detect pressure and temperature changes, as well as CO2 concentrations, providing real-time data on storage integrity.
  • Sub-Seabed CO2 Leakage Detection Systems: New technologies are being developed to detect potential CO2 leaks from sub-seabed storage sites, including chemical sensors, acoustic monitoring systems, and innovative imaging techniques.
  • CO2 Storage in Basalt Formations: Research is exploring the potential of storing CO2 in offshore basalt formations, where CO2 reacts with basalt to form stable carbonates, offering a more permanent storage solution.

Other Innovation Subthemes

  • Sub-seabed Geological Mapping
  • Reservoir Modeling and Simulation
  • Wellbore Integrity Assurance
  • Continuous Monitoring Systems
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Autonomous Seabed Surveys
  • 4D Seismic Imaging
  • Fiber-Optic Sensing Technologies
  • Real-time Data Monitoring
  • Leakage Detection Systems
  • Chemical Sensors Development
  • Acoustic Monitoring Innovations
  • Imaging Techniques Advancements
  • Basalt Formation Storage Research

Sample Global Startups and Companies

  • Equinor:
    • Technology Focus: Equinor is a leading energy company with a focus on offshore oil and gas operations. In the context of offshore CO2 storage, they likely specialize in technologies for capturing, transporting, and injecting CO2 into geological formations beneath the seabed.
    • Uniqueness: Equinor’s uniqueness lies in its expertise in offshore operations and its commitment to sustainability. They leverage their extensive experience in subsea engineering and project management to develop safe and efficient CO2 storage solutions.
    • End-User Segments: Equinor’s offshore CO2 storage solutions are primarily targeted at industries with significant CO2 emissions, such as power generation, refineries, and heavy industry. These solutions help companies reduce their carbon footprint and comply with emissions regulations.
  • Shell:
    • Technology Focus: Shell, as a major energy company, is actively involved in various aspects of the energy transition, including carbon capture and storage (CCS). Their offshore CO2 storage initiatives likely involve advanced techniques for CO2 capture, compression, and storage in offshore geological formations.
    • Uniqueness: Shell stands out for its global presence, extensive research and development capabilities, and partnerships across the energy sector. They may leverage innovative technologies and collaborative approaches to accelerate the deployment of offshore CO2 storage projects.
    • End-User Segments: Shell’s offshore CO2 storage solutions cater to industries seeking sustainable alternatives to traditional emissions-intensive processes. Their customers may include power plants, industrial facilities, and transportation companies looking to decarbonize their operations.
  • Carnstone:
    • Technology Focus: Carnstone is likely a consultancy or technology provider specializing in sustainability and corporate responsibility. In the context of offshore CO2 storage, they may offer expertise in carbon accounting, emissions tracking, and sustainability reporting for companies involved in CCS projects.
    • Uniqueness: Carnstone’s uniqueness lies in its focus on sustainability consulting and its ability to provide tailored solutions to help companies navigate complex environmental challenges. They may offer advisory services, software platforms, and industry insights to support offshore CO2 storage initiatives.
    • End-User Segments: Carnstone’s services are targeted at companies committed to sustainability and seeking guidance on reducing their carbon footprint. Their clients may include energy companies, industrial manufacturers, and financial institutions looking to assess and mitigate climate risks associated with CO2 emissions.

Sample Research At Top-Tier Universities

  • University of Bergen:
    • Technology Enhancements: The University of Bergen is pioneering research into offshore CO2 storage technologies, focusing on novel approaches for efficient and safe storage of carbon dioxide beneath the seabed. They are exploring advanced geological modeling techniques and monitoring systems to optimize the injection and storage of CO2 in offshore reservoirs.
    • Uniqueness of Research: The research at the University of Bergen stands out for its emphasis on the geological suitability and long-term stability of offshore CO2 storage sites. They are conducting comprehensive risk assessments and environmental impact studies to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of offshore storage solutions.
    • End-use Applications: The offshore CO2 storage technologies developed at the University of Bergen have significant implications for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from industries such as power generation, oil and gas production, and manufacturing. By securely storing CO2 beneath the ocean floor, companies can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to climate change mitigation efforts.
  • Imperial College London:
    • Technology Enhancements: Imperial College London’s research focuses on advancing offshore CO2 storage through innovative injection and monitoring strategies. They are developing advanced computational models and sensor technologies to optimize CO2 injection rates, predict storage capacity, and detect potential leakage or migration of stored CO2.
    • Uniqueness of Research: Imperial College’s approach involves a holistic assessment of offshore CO2 storage, considering factors such as geology, fluid dynamics, and environmental impacts. They are exploring novel injection techniques, such as using supercritical CO2, to maximize storage efficiency and minimize the risk of leakage.
    • End-use Applications: The research at Imperial College London has applications across various industries, including offshore oil and gas production, carbon capture and utilization, and climate change mitigation. Offshore CO2 storage can enable industries to meet emissions reduction targets and transition to a low-carbon economy while leveraging existing offshore infrastructure and expertise.
  • Heriot-Watt University:
    • Technology Enhancements: Heriot-Watt University is at the forefront of research into offshore CO2 storage technologies, focusing on developing cost-effective and scalable solutions for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in marine environments. They are exploring innovative materials for CO2 capture, as well as advanced monitoring and verification techniques for offshore storage sites.
    • Uniqueness of Research: The research at Heriot-Watt University stands out for its emphasis on the integration of offshore CO2 storage with other marine activities, such as offshore wind energy production and underwater infrastructure development. They are investigating synergies and potential conflicts between different marine uses to optimize the spatial planning of offshore CCS projects.
    • End-use Applications: The offshore CO2 storage solutions developed at Heriot-Watt University have implications for industries seeking to decarbonize their operations, including power plants, refineries, and chemical manufacturing facilities. By securely storing CO2 beneath the seabed, companies can mitigate their carbon emissions and comply with regulatory requirements while unlocking new opportunities for sustainable development in offshore regions.

commercial_img Commercial Implementation

While large-scale commercial implementation of offshore CO2 storage is still emerging, several projects are operational or under development:

  • Sleipner Project (Equinor): This pioneering project has been successfully storing CO2 in a saline aquifer beneath the North Sea since 1996, demonstrating the long-term feasibility of offshore storage.
  • Quest Project (Shell): Operational since 2015, this project captures and stores CO2 from a Canadian oil sands facility in a deep saline aquifer.
  • Northern Lights Project (Equinor): This large-scale project in Norway aims to develop infrastructure for transporting and storing CO2 captured from various industrial sources in Europe.