Solar Thermal for Industrial Process Heat

Detailed overview of innovation with sample startups and prominent university research

What it is

Solar thermal for industrial process heat (SHIP) involves using solar thermal energy to provide heat for industrial processes, such as drying, cleaning, sterilization, and chemical reactions. This technology offers a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy independence in the industrial sector.

Impact on climate action

Solar Thermal for Industrial Process Heat under the main theme of Solar Thermal significantly advances climate action by displacing fossil fuel-based heat sources. By harnessing solar energy for industrial processes, this innovation reduces greenhouse gas emissions, curbs reliance on fossil fuels, and fosters a more sustainable industrial sector.


  • Solar Thermal Collectors: These collectors capture sunlight and convert it into heat, which is then transferred to a working fluid (e.g., water, thermal oil, or molten salt).
  • Heat Exchangers: Heat exchangers transfer heat from the working fluid to the industrial process.
  • Thermal Energy Storage: Thermal energy storage systems can store excess solar heat for later use, ensuring a consistent heat supply even when the sun isn’t shining.
  • System Integration and Control: SHIP systems require sophisticated control systems to manage energy flows between the solar collectors, storage systems, and industrial processes.
  • Process Optimization: Industrial processes can be optimized to utilize solar thermal energy more effectively, reducing overall energy consumption and costs.

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Prominent Innovation themes

  • High-Temperature Solar Thermal Collectors: Innovations in collector design and materials are enabling the development of solar thermal collectors that can achieve higher temperatures, making them suitable for a wider range of industrial processes.
  • Advanced Heat Transfer Fluids: Researchers are developing new heat transfer fluids with improved thermal properties and stability, enhancing the efficiency and performance of SHIP systems.
  • Integrated Solar Thermal-CHP Systems: Combining solar thermal with combined heat and power (CHP) systems can provide both heat and electricity for industrial facilities, further improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions.
  • Solar Process Heat for Specific Industries: Startups and researchers are developing SHIP solutions tailored to the specific needs of different industries, such as food processing, textiles, and chemicals.

Other Innovation Subthemes

  • Next-Gen Solar Collectors
  • Cutting-Edge Heat Transfer Fluids
  • Hybrid Solar-CHP Integration
  • Tailored Solar Solutions
  • Smart Control Systems
  • Sun-Powered Textiles
  • Solar Heat for Chemical Processes
  • Precision Solar Heating
  • Solar Thermal Cooling
  • Solar Heat in Mining
  • Solar-Powered Ceramics
  • Solar Solutions for Metalworking
  • Solar Heat in Pulp and Paper

Sample Global Startups and Companies

  • Absolicon:
    • Technology Enhancement: Absolicon specializes in concentrating solar thermal technology for industrial process heat applications. Their systems use parabolic trough collectors to concentrate sunlight onto receiver tubes, heating a heat transfer fluid (HTF) such as oil or water. The heated fluid is then used to provide process heat for industrial applications, including food processing, textile manufacturing, and chemical production.
    • Uniqueness of the Startup: Absolicon stands out for its innovative approach to solar thermal technology and its focus on industrial process heat applications. Their systems offer high efficiency, reliability, and scalability, making them suitable for a wide range of industrial processes requiring heat at high temperatures.
    • End-User Segments Addressing: Absolicon serves industries seeking sustainable and cost-effective solutions for process heat generation. Their solar thermal systems are deployed in food and beverage processing plants, textile factories, chemical refineries, and other industrial facilities seeking to reduce carbon emissions and energy costs.
  • GlassPoint Solar:
    • Technology Enhancement: GlassPoint Solar specializes in solar steam generation technology for industrial process heat applications, particularly in the oil and gas industry. Their enclosed trough solar collectors use concentrated sunlight to produce steam directly for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) applications. This process helps reduce the use of natural gas for steam generation, lowering operational costs and carbon emissions.
    • Uniqueness of the Startup: GlassPoint Solar stands out for its focus on providing solar steam solutions for the oil and gas industry, where steam is used extensively for EOR operations. Their innovative solar technology enables oil producers to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, enhance operational efficiency, and lower greenhouse gas emissions associated with oil extraction.
    • End-User Segments Addressing: GlassPoint Solar primarily serves the oil and gas industry, including upstream oil producers seeking sustainable and cost-effective solutions for steam generation in EOR operations. Their solar steam technology is deployed in oilfields worldwide, helping operators reduce operating costs, increase oil recovery rates, and achieve environmental goals.
  • Sunvapor:
    • Technology Enhancement: Sunvapor specializes in solar thermal technology for industrial process heat applications, focusing on modular and scalable solar steam generation systems. Their systems use parabolic trough collectors to concentrate sunlight onto absorber tubes, producing high-temperature steam for industrial processes such as power generation, desalination, and chemical production.
    • Uniqueness of the Startup: Sunvapor stands out for its innovative approach to solar thermal technology and its emphasis on modularity and scalability. Their systems offer flexibility in design and installation, allowing for rapid deployment and integration into existing industrial processes. Sunvapor’s focus on cost-effective and scalable solar steam solutions makes them a compelling choice for various industrial applications.
    • End-User Segments Addressing: Sunvapor serves industries seeking sustainable and reliable solutions for process heat generation, including power plants, desalination facilities, and chemical manufacturers. Their solar steam systems are deployed in locations with abundant sunlight, offering a renewable alternative to fossil fuel-based steam generation methods.

Sample Research At Top-Tier Universities

  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL):
    • Research Focus: NREL is a leader in research on Solar Thermal for Industrial Process Heat, focusing on developing high-temperature solar collectors, advanced heat transfer fluids, and thermal energy storage systems tailored for industrial applications.
    • Uniqueness: Their research involves the design and optimization of concentrating solar collectors, such as parabolic troughs and solar towers, capable of delivering high-temperature heat for industrial processes. They also explore innovative heat transfer fluids, phase change materials, and thermal storage technologies to enable dispatchable and reliable solar heat delivery, even during periods of low solar irradiance or fluctuating demand.
    • End-use Applications: The outcomes of their work have applications across various industries, including food processing, chemical manufacturing, and materials production. By providing renewable heat for industrial processes, NREL’s research contributes to reducing fossil fuel dependence, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and enhancing energy security in the industrial sector.
  • Technical University of Munich (TUM):
    • Research Focus: TUM conducts pioneering research on Solar Thermal for Industrial Process Heat, leveraging its expertise in thermodynamics, solar engineering, and process optimization to develop efficient and cost-effective solar thermal systems tailored for industrial heat applications.
    • Uniqueness: Their research encompasses the integration of solar thermal collectors with industrial processes, such as steam generation, drying, and heating, to displace conventional fossil fuel-based heating systems. They also investigate hybridization with other renewable energy sources, such as biomass and geothermal energy, to enhance system flexibility and reliability.
    • End-use Applications: The outcomes of their work find applications in diverse industrial sectors, including paper and pulp, textiles, and pharmaceuticals. By providing sustainable heat solutions, TUM’s research supports the transition to low-carbon manufacturing processes, improves energy efficiency, and enhances the competitiveness of industries in a decarbonizing economy.
  • University of California, Berkeley:
    • Research Focus: UC Berkeley is engaged in innovative research on Solar Thermal for Industrial Process Heat, leveraging its interdisciplinary approach to address technical, economic, and policy challenges associated with solar thermal deployment in industrial settings.
    • Uniqueness: Their research involves techno-economic analysis, life cycle assessment, and stakeholder engagement to identify optimal solar thermal configurations, cost reduction strategies, and policy incentives for industrial heat decarbonization. They also explore innovative business models, public-private partnerships, and regulatory frameworks to accelerate the adoption of solar thermal technologies.
    • End-use Applications: The outcomes of their work have applications in a wide range of industrial sectors, including cement production, metal smelting, and waste treatment. By promoting solar thermal integration into industrial processes, UC Berkeley’s research contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality, and fostering sustainable economic development.

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SHIP systems are being implemented in various industries around the world, including food processing, textiles, chemicals, and mining. For example, Absolicon has deployed its concentrated solar thermal collectors in industrial facilities in Europe and Africa, providing heat for processes such as drying and sterilization.