?????? June 2024 is an upcoming contest by ???????? aimed at inspiring college students to innovate for climate.

In the run-up to the event, we are conducting the ??????? ????? ?????????, where participants tackle daily climate-related questions, showcasing their creativity and knowledge.

??????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ??? 28 – ????? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ???????????

The winner for that day will be given the Climate Brain title for the day.

The challenge for May 28 was:

??????? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?? ? ??????? ?????????? ???????. ??? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ??????????? ?????? ?????:

?????????? 1 : A breakthrough idea in nuclear fusion that can make it modular, though it could take at least 2 decades to become commercial

?????????? 2 : A free, intuitive smart phone app that claims to provide effective sustainability education to the masses right away, covering over 50 lifestyle activities

?????????? 3 : An innovative, affordable monitoring system that can increase the output of large solar power plants by about 15% and which can be implemented within months for many existing solar power plants.

Which of the three innovations would you choose as the winner, and why.

About 50 participants answered – thank you to every one of you!

??????? ??????? ??? ??? 28 goes to:

Suhas Nagaraju – ???? PES College of Engineering, Mandya

His answer:

“I would suggest Innovation 3 as the best innovation because it can offer an immediate and significant impact by increasing solar power plant output by 15%. This affordable monitoring system optimizes energy production, reducing resource wastage. Its affordability makes it accessible for a wide range of solar plants. Statistically, for a 100 MW solar plant, this translates to an additional 15 MW of power generated. Economically, considering the average cost of solar power at $1 per watt, this system can save $15 million in equivalent new installations. It also reduces carbon emissions by about 10,000 metric tons annually, contributing significantly to both economic and environmental sustainability.”

Congrats Suhas, and may you scale greater heights.