Ask the Climate Startup is an interactive series we run at CLIMAFIX that derives key insights from innovative climate startup founders on many different aspects of their startup journey. (See all posts at Ask the Climate Startup)
This series is done as part of the CLIMAFIX Summit 2023, India’s largest climate startup summit, organized by CLIMAFIX & Energy Consortium – IIT Madras.
In this post, we have Devrishi Arrora of Evify sharing his perspectives.
CLIMAFIX thanks Devrishi Arrora for his valuable inputs.
1. Are you a first, second, or later-generation entrepreneur?
3rd generation entrepreneur
2. What has been your previous work or professional experience?
About 9 years of Logistics business experience
3. Were there any special or specific reasons for you becoming an entrepreneur?
Passion towards creating something by ownself
4. Where or how did you meet your co-founder/s?
Old Friends
5. Was there anything noteworthy you wish to talk about from your first year or the first couple of years of your startup?
We started with 1 EV and 1 Rider in a Tier 2 city with no EV Ecosystem and in 1 year’s time scaled to 150 nos. and to 330 EVs in less than a total of 1.5 years.
6. Was there an Aha moment/s during your startup journey that made a dramatic difference ( positive or negative difference)?
When we became India’s 1 Carbon Negative EV Fleet Operator and when we convinced a Fintech firm to provide a credit line for our Blue Collar Employees (Riders).
7. Were there any memorable, amazing, or funny memories from your journey?
Every day, something exciting is happening. On the funny and serious side both. The Start-Up journey in the true sense is super exciting.
8. What was your biggest mistake in the startup journey? Something that you would like other startups to avoid?
I wanted to do everything myself. Not advisable. One should hire the right talent for the right job. It helps in scaling.
9. Looking back, what would you have tried to do differently if you were to start again?
Not do point 8.
10. Is there a question you would like startup founders to ask before they start?
Why this?
11. What keeps you awake at night?
12. What do you think are your biggest strengths that are especially helping you in your Journey?
Experience with the Logistics industry and the Never Say Die attitude.
13. How were you able to find – and retain good talent – given the vast, lucrative opportunities such talent has today?
Give growth to talent on performance, don’t wait for 1 year to increase their salaries.
14. Was there some support or help you received in your startup journey that proved critical? Who would you like to thank?
I would like to thank all our advisors for their support in sharing their connections and experience/wisdom. Could not have scaled without it.