Low Carbon Food Innovations & Startups Report

Low Carbon Food Innovations & Startups Report

Comprehensive Showcase of Global Low Carbon Food Innovations & Startups

From CLIMAFIX, the leader in climate innovation intelligence

Low Carbon Food Introduction:

The food value chain is one of the largest sectoral contributors to global greenhouse emissions.

All food items carry a carbon footprint. For some foodstuffs like meat and dairy that directly depend on livestock, the carbon footprint is very high, mainly owing to significant methane emissions upstream of the value chain. Total global emissions from livestock are about 7.2 billion tons of CO2 equivalent, a good percentage of these being grown for food. The world consumes about 1.5 billion pigs, 570 million sheep, 475 million goats, 320 million cattle, and about 160 million tons of seafood every year.

Solutions to find emissions reduction strategies, or alternatives/substitutes to foods with high carbon footprint will have a significant impact on global decarbonization.

For the 2020-2030 period, innovations with impact can be expected in the domains of cultured meat, plant-based meat, plant-based pet nutrition, and plant-based dairy & eggs.

The Low Carbon Food Innovations & Startups Report provides insights on the following:

  • Current & Emerging Technologies
  • Innovation & Startups Analysis
  • Urgency of this Decarbonization Avenue
  • Unique Solutions Derived from Startups
  • Commercialization Potential
  • Scalability
  • Highlights of Prominent Innovations & Startups
  • List of 10 High-Impact Startups

For each startup, the following inputs are provided:

  • Product
  • Key benefits
  • Technology & process
  • Videos
  • Links to founder profiles
  • Links to prominent news & analyses about the startup

The Low Carbon Food Innovations Report is part of CLIMAFIX 500, a comprehensive global climate innovation and startup report.

More about CLIMAFIX 500 and ways to purchase it.


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