CO2 Capture & Storage Innovations & Startups Report

CO2 Capture & Storage Innovations & Startups Report

Comprehensive Showcase of Global CO2 Capture & Storage Innovations & Startups

From CLIMAFIX, the leader in climate innovation intelligence

CO2 Capture & Storage Introduction:

While efforts are on to reduce the amount of GHG emissions in every sector, these may not be enough.

For the world to significantly reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere within a short period, it might be almost necessary that we should also capture CO2 emissions – capture CO2 from concentrated emission sources such as power plants, as well as from the atmosphere.

CO2 capture efforts are not new, but they have not been able to scale beyond a few pilots until now. Compared to the amount of CO2 that needs to be sequestered, the amounts being captured currently (2021) are almost insignificant, with fewer than 50 carbon capture plants of scale running worldwide at point emission sources such as power plants. The numbers for operating direct air capture plants are even smaller.

This sector is however expected to gain significant momentum during the 2020-2030 period. 

One of the key challenges for CO2 capture efforts is the cost of carbon capture. While direct air capture is currently very expensive (could be as high as $500 per ton of CO2 captured), even CO2 capture at power plants could cost as high as $50 per ton of CO2 captured, making all these projects dependent almost entirely on government mandates and incentives.

Currently, most of the carbon capture efforts are taking place in developed countries owing to the high cost of these projects. For the 2020-2030 period, key innovations in this domain will be around carbon capture at power plants, direct air capture, microbe-based CO2 capture, innovations in liquid & solid CO2 capture materials/chemicals, and CO2 capture through biomass.

The CO2 Capture & Storage Innovations & Startups Report provides insights on the following:

  • Current & Emerging Technologies
  • Innovation & Startups Analysis
  • Urgency of this Decarbonization Avenue
  • Unique Solutions Derived from Startups
  • Commercialization Potential
  • Scalability
  • Highlights of Prominent Innovations & Startups
  • List of 10 High-Impact Startups

For each startup, the following inputs are provided:

  • Product
  • Key benefits
  • Technology & process
  • Videos
  • Links to founder profiles
  • Links to prominent news & analyses about the startup

The CO2 Capture & Storage Innovations Report is part of CLIMAFIX 500, a comprehensive global climate innovation and startup report.

More about CLIMAFIX 500 and ways to purchase it.


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