Advanced Materials Innovations & Startups Report

Advanced Materials Innovations & Startups Report

Comprehensive Showcase of Global Advanced Materials Innovations & Startups

From CLIMAFIX, the leader in climate innovation intelligence

Advanced Materials Introduction:

Many materials that we use contribute to CO2 emissions, either because they need significant energy for their production, because they have a fossil origin, because they are too heavy, or they perform their task poorly – all these resulting in more energy needed and more emissions to do the same job. Innovations in the materials sector that reduce the carbon footprint of production, decrease weight, or increase performance and lifetime, can significantly impact decarbonization efforts.

Developments in the advanced materials field have been ongoing for a few decades now, and the increased focus on decarbonization and sustainability will further accelerate innovations in this sector. Decarbonization targeted efforts in the materials field are likely to be in nanotechnology, composite materials, and the use of lighter materials such as Aluminium in the place of steel. Bio-based materials including bioplastics are another area where significant developments can be expected in this context.

For the 2020-2030 period, innovations in this sector can be expected around carbon nanofibers, bio-based advanced polymers and other materials, battery materials, advanced technologies to use low-carbon plant sources such as hemp, and advanced chemical materials & ingredients.

The Advanced Materials Innovations & Startups Report provides insights on the following:

  • Current & Emerging Technologies
  • Innovation & Startups Analysis
  • Urgency of this Decarbonization Avenue
  • Unique Solutions Derived from Startups
  • Commercialization Potential
  • Scalability
  • Highlights of Prominent Innovations & Startups
  • List of 10 High-Impact Startups

For each startup, the following inputs are provided:

  • Product
  • Key benefits
  • Technology & process
  • Videos
  • Links to founder profiles
  • Links to prominent news & analyses about the startup

The Advanced Materials Innovations Report is part of CLIMAFIX 500, a comprehensive global climate innovation and startup report.

More about CLIMAFIX 500 and ways to purchase it.


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